The Wales Cancer Alliance (WCA) is a coalition of charities working to prevent cancer, improve care, fund research and influence policy in Wales.

The Wales Cancer Alliance promotes the best cancer prevention methods and the best cancer treatment, research and care for people in Wales. Every year we invest millions of pounds in Wales and contribute to the development of cancer policy.

We believe that people affected by cancer and their carers should be at the heart of co-creating new services and cancer policy. The third sector has an important role to play in developing, reshaping and delivering improvements in cancer care. We do this by working in partnership with the Welsh Government, the NHS, local government and other stakeholders.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Alliance Executive (2024/26)

Lowri Griffiths (Chair)

Simon Scheeres (Vice Chair)

Hannah Buckingham (Vice Chair)

Matthew Jones (Treasurer)

Greg Pycroft (Secretary)